• Headquarter
  • Industrial sites
  • Sales office

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny

ACOME Romagny


1 route des Closeaux
BP 45
50140 Romagny Fontenay

Phone : +33 (0)2 33 89 31 00
Fax : +33 (0)2 33 89 31 31

ACOME is a French company whose plants have historically operated in Normandy, since 1941.
With 6 plants on 43 hectares, the "multi-plant" Romagny site is now a unique integrated industrial site and the largest in Europe in the cable industry. 

To remain a reliable partner for major customers and to remain at the forefront of technology in its fields, ACOME is continuing its investments at its industrial site in Normandy.

Jean-Marc Busnel - Group Industrial Development Director - ACOME
Chiffres clés
Group research and development centre

Normandy, the Group's industrial and technological home

The Mortain site combines the Group's production and research & technology capacities and supplies demanding customers in the European markets. It employs more than 1000 people and contributes to the indirect employment of more than 3000 people in the local economy.