
Our cooperative values are commitment, excellence, respect, and solidarity
ACOME's cooperative status in France has forged the Group's identity, based on four values: commitment, excellence, respect and solidarity.

ACOME is the largest cooperative and participatory company (French: SCOP) in France.

Cooperative governance safeguards our long-term strategy to guarantee the company’s sustainability. At our foundation lies a model of corporate democracy, in which each employee-partner can exercise his or her right to vote at general meetings (1 person = 1 vote).

This cooperative status is the foundation of ACOME’s identity, and the company ensures that its values are upheld in its subsidiaries.

Our Board of Directors

ACOME’s Board of Directors consists of 11 members, all employee-partners in the SCOP. The directors are elected for four years and represent all partners.

The Board of Directors determines the strategic direction, the general policies, the investment and research programme, and the budget.

Composition of the board of directors on July  1st, 2024:

  • Jacques de Heere, Chairman of the Board
  • Frédéric Briand, Chief Executive Officer
  • Laurent Colibert, Group Industrial Development Manager & Plant Manager at Romagny-Fontenay  
  • Sébastien Cordier, Warehouse Supervisor, Group Industrial Management 
  • Anne-Sophie Decourrière, Group Communications Director and Tubes Sales Director
  • Valérie Faguais, Customer Service Manager of the Building, City & Transport Business Unit
  • Céline Lardeur, Copper LAN Production Manager of the Building, City & Transport Business Unit
  • Christelle Larue-Lemartinel, Production manager of the Infrastructures & Telecom Networks Business Unit
  • Pierre-Yves Ogier, Deputy financial director
  • Marion Pineau, Financial Controller
  • Stéphane Samson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Global Automotive & Systems

Headed by Jacques de Heere, the Management Committee meets once per month, bringing together the branch directors and the functional leadership.

  • Jacques de Heere, Chairman of the Board
  • Aurélien Bergonzo, Director of Research, Innovation, Technology and Foresight
  • Frédéric Briand, Chief Executive Officer
  • Anne-Sophie Decourrière, Director of the building, city & transport division
  • Xavier Dubourget, Director of Human Resources and Cooperative Life
  • Alban Eraclas, Director of Performance, Quality and CSR
  • Pierre Le Moal, Group Industrial Director
  • Nathalie Lascaux, Director of Communications 
  • Pierre-Yves Ogier, Deputy financial director and Legal
  • Jean-Marc Paret, Director of Telecom Networks & Infrastructure
  • Christian Romero, Director of operations
  • Stéphane Samson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

In order to accelerate operational decisions and prepare those of the Management Committee, the Executive Committee meets once a month; bringing together in addition to the Chairman-CEO:

  • The Director of Human Resources & Cooperative Affairs
  • The Director of Finance, Legal & IT Systems
  • The Director of the Global Automotive & Systems Division
  • The Director of the Industrial Group

Our Strategic Orientation Committee

It meets 4 times a year and is made up of Jacques de Heere, Chairman of the Board, ACOME, Frédéric Briand, Chief Executive Officer, ACOME, Aurélien Bergonzo, Director of Research, Innovation and Technology, ACOME, Yann Kergoulay, Strategic Project Manager, ACOME, Gabrielle Gauthey, Senior Vice President Carbon Neutrality Businesses, Total, Jacques Chauvet, independent consultant, Nadine Leclair, President of the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA).


ACOME has joined the DataLab Normandie, a consortium driven by the Normandy Region, which aims to develop a data ecosystem in Normandy.
ACOME SA obtained an overall score of 86 points on the gender equality index
ACOME and its partner ALSATIS are launching a 5G testing platform at its multi-plant site in Romagny (Manche) to test new practices for Industry 4.0.